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6th Annual Enchanted Brush exhibit held virtually this year

This year's exhibit theme of "Creatures Most Curious" inspired 26 world class artists.

FINDLAY, Ohio — Since the coronavirus, everything seems to be going "digital."

That also includes art, such as the University of Findlay's annual "Enchanted Art" exhibit.

In it's 6th year, the Enchanted Brush Art exhibit at the University of Findlay challenges talented artists from around the world to create a brand new piece of art based on a general fantasy theme.

This year's theme "Creatures Most Curious," inspired 26 artists to create oil and water colored paintings, digital art and sculptures.

But because of the ongoing coronavirus pandemic, organizers decided to hold the entire exhibit online. 

"So, we decided it would be far safer for the public is we spent a year getting these guys tamed down, so we put the show virtually. So then next year when they are behaving a bit better and people have had time to get they're distemper shots, we can bring you in and you can meet these guys in person," said Mazza Museum curator Dan Chudzinski.

Each piece of art is available alongside information of the artists and even info for potentially purchasing the art.

The new avenue of showcasing the exhibits online will probably become a staple for the exhibits usually showcased in University of Findlay's Lea Gallery.

"You'll be able to check things out before you come in. And for our international friends that weren't able to travel over, it gives them a way to experience the same show that you're going to see from the safety of your screens this year," said Chudinski.

Currently the virtual Enchanted Brush exhibit is slated to run online until Aug. 7, but Chudinski said they are more than likely going to keep the show running online for about an extra week or so after.

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