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Seneca County Sheriff provides response training for deputies, corrections officers

Law enforcement officers in Seneca County received response training Tuesday, practicing de-escalation techniques in a simulated environment.

SENECA COUNTY, Ohio — Police officers often to have make quick decisions; and sometimes that can mean life or death. 

Seneca County Sheriff's deputies and corrections officers received response training Tuesday to help them think on their feet.

"One of the first priorities we had when we took office is to bring more training for the deputies and the corrections officers," Seneca County Sheriff Fredrick Stevens said.

Stevens said the training will especially help all the new hires they've made within the last year.

"They haven't really been involved in those critical incidents where you have to make split-second decisions, and that's what this training relays to them and it gives them a chance to make those mistakes in a simulated environment rather out there on the street or in the jail," said Stevens.

Officers in the program were able to use a fake gun and taser, as well as de-escalation techniques.

"The instructor will base his movements and what happens on the screen off of the deputy or the corrections officers use of tactics," Stevens said.

Each scenario was different.

"If it does come down to using a taser or if it comes down to using a side arm, a duty weapon, the screen will record where those rounds landed," Stevens said.

Then, they watched themselves back and received feedback from the instructor.

"The more training we do, it just makes us better at what we do," Stevens said.

The goal is to provide for the sheriff's office is to provide response training every two years.


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