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Toledo officer, aka Captain America, is real-life hero to 3-yr-old battling Leukemia

One of Toledo's finest, a real life super hero, has become a true hero to one little boy battling Leukemia. Officer Robert Orwig and Jax Palmer have formed a unique bond.

TOLEDO, OH (WTOL) - One of Toledo's finest, a real life superhero, has become a true hero to one little boy battling Leukemia.

Officer Robert Orwig and Jax Palmer have formed a unique bond.

"He's just such a trooper and a brave little kid, and I think the only thing he want to do is get better and get out there with the kids," said Orwig.

Almost two years ago Jax got the chance to meet his hero - Captain America.

"Well, we first met him two Halloweens ago when they repelled down the building, and of course he was dressed as Captain America so he just lunged at Captain America the second he came up on the floor," said Jax's mom Brianna Palmer.

Three-year-old Jax has Leukemia.

"He had cancer before, then relapsed, and then relapsed again. So, we are here finishing up our last round of chemo before he goes and gets a second bone marrow transplant," said Brianna.

Earlier this week Officer Orwig, aka Captain America, arranged for a special visit.

"It was priceless just to see the smile on his face," said Orwig.

And it's something Jax will never forget.

"He was smiles ear-to-ear for the rest of the night and it is all he could talk about," said Brianna.

The two played ball and Jax got a special gift – a shield.

Captain America's visit was extra special, but Officer Orwig stops by often to check in on his friend.

"They're not required to come in here and talk to the kids and interact, but off duty they'll come in and talk to the kids and hang out, it's fantastic," said Brianna.

A little bit of time out of his schedule to show Jack and his family they're not fighting this disease alone.

"It's inspiring for me to see a young kid, you know, that young just so brave and just want to be better," said Orwig.

Jack has is preparing for a second bone marrow transplant and has many more procedures ahead of him.

To keep up with how Jax is doing, visit the family's Facebook page.

To donate, check out Jax's GoFundMe page.

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