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Tattoo shop partners with Ohio Zoo for 'Tats for Bats' fundraiser

50% of proceeds from the tattoos on Saturday will go to world bat conservation through Akron's chapter of the American Association of Zoo Keepers.

AKRON, Ohio — Those who raise money for causes needs to always find creative ways to engage with potential donors. Here at the Akron Zoo, they put the "fun" in fundraising.

"We're big on the fun names," Jena Pugliese, co-president of Akron's American Association of Zoo Keepers, says.

This year, the group is raising money for bat conservation in a unique way, partnering with a local tattoo and piercing shop. It's called "Tats for Bats."

"It's your standard flash tattoo ... that are being sold for $50, $75, or $100, so a little less than your custom tattoos," Pugliese explained. "Fifty percent of those sales goes to bat conservation through AAZK."

"We've got 13 sheets of flash art," Wendy Wagner, owner of Kustom Culture tattoos and piercing in Tallmadge, told us. Their artists will happily dapple you with ink for bats, and she was happy to help out the zoo.

"I just want to do good," she said. "So yeah, if it's raising money for bats or the homeless people. We do a lot of outreach through my church, and that's just where I'm at."

Wagner's shop is also offering piercings and donating 30% for the bats. The shop has a unique, Halloween vibe to it, so support for bats fits right in.

Tats for Bats tomorrow! We have tshirts!

Posted by Kustom culture on Friday, May 24, 2024

Bats are incredible creatures, and they make a nice tattoo. Just ask Erica Caskey, who says bats are misunderstood.

"So many people are afraid of them and all that, and they have so many negative connotations about them," Caskey remarked. "But honestly, they have such a positive impact on the environment."

Erica will be getting another bat tat for her arm sleeve, which is a work in progress.

Bats are cool critters that need our help and our appreciation. Sometimes they get a bad rap, but Jena is hoping events like this will help convince people of the importance of these unique mammals.

"Bats are not gross," she declared. "They're basically sky-puppies. They're very cute creatures. 

The Tats for Bats fundraiser takes place this Saturday from 10 a.m.-9 p.m. at Kustom Culture on 290 West Ave. in Tallmadge. You do not need an appointment or tickets to take part.

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