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New report outlines goals for Adrian water treatment process

The city of Adrian released a 89-page report that set out potential goals and solutions for their water's long-standing taste and odor issues.

ADRIAN, Mich. — City officials are taking new steps to improve their water quality. A new report released last week highlights some long and short-term goals to fix long-standing taste and odor issues.

The report outlines solutions including additives in the water and separating the treatment of the different water sources when they enter the treatment plant.

But for resident Brittney Dulbs, she said she thinks the report misses the point and while the focus of the report was on the taste and odor of the water, it did not cover the potential health hazards. 

"Not all cyanobacteria is treated the same way," she said. "So if you're not testing for those things then you won't know how to treat them."

The solutions, in her view, are good to strive for. But she feared they did not address the root causes of the problem. 

"They're appropriate but they need to focus on what's actually feeding the lake," Dulbs said. "Also, what they're adding to the lake. If they're not removing what's feeding the lake, it's never going to work."

Credit: WTOL

Some of the suggested fixes could cost a pretty penny out of the taxpayers' wallets. Dulbs said as long as they are put to proper use, she's OK with that, and other neighbors should be as well.

"If the money is being used appropriately, I wouldn't have an issue as a resident," she said. "If they're going to be using that money for things that aren't going to work then it's gonna be a little discouraging."

An interview request left with Adrian utilities director William Sadler wasn't immediately answered.

The city is holding a special meeting Monday night at 7 p.m. at city hall to discuss the report with the public.

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