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Flooding, freezing temperatures combine, wreaking havoc on Monroe roads

One driver had to be rescued Friday morning after her car stalled out in the waist-high water and ice.

MONROE, Michigan — An update on Sunday from The City of Monroe stated that the River Raisin water gauge elevated to approximately 11.5 feet. Flooding has receded from several affected city streets, some of which are now open for travel. 

Additionally, the ice jam has moved further downstream. The city is aware of some basement flooding in a few select locations. 

The Department of Public Safety will continue to monitor the flooding for any changes, and the Department of Public Services staff will move barricades accordingly. Check-in with Monroe Police Department's Twitter account (@Monroe_Police).

Residents in need of immediate assistance are asked to contact 911, or for non-emergency, please call 734.241.3300. When driving the City of Monroe says to please avoid water-covered roads and do not cross road closure signs.

A mixture of flooding and freezing temperatures caused major headaches Friday for residents of Monroe, Michigan

Streets in a neighborhood close to the River Raisin were filled with large chunks of ice and water, and the residents there are working through how to deal with it.

"Bewildering. When we got up this morning, we thought we were seeing things," resident Anke Wolbert said. 

Wolbert and her family, who have lived on Cresent Drive since 2008, couldn't believe what they were seeing while looking out their window Friday morning. 

The road in front of their home was nothing but a river of ice — and it forced them to take action.

"Today it has affected us in that we, because we're overly cautious, have moved stuff out of the basement, just in case. And, I know a couple of people that way where the basement is actually flooded," Wolbert said. 

According to Monroe police, it takes a perfect storm to really mix up a mess on the River Raisin.   

"What happens is, we get really thick ice that will build up just because of the prolonged freezing temperatures. Well, when we get a thaw, it starts to break some of that up, but the water's still flowing," Monroe Police Department Acting Commander John Wall said.

That combination causes flooding and ice to build up on roads. 

Despite roads being closed off, some drivers have still gone around the barricades. But, police suggest you turn around. In fact, Friday morning, officers had to rescue a woman from her submerged car.

"We just want to caution everyone, don't come down here. Don't explore this. Don't... certainly don't be on the ice in the river, and don't drive your vehicle through flooded water," Wall said.

Officials said they hope the current mess will be the worst of it. 

For Wolbert, she's holding on to that hope, as she said she doesn't have flood insurance. 

"I kind of had hoped it would go down further before it freezes because, you know, it's supposed to get warm on Sunday and I can't imagine once all of this melts. But, maybe we're lucky and it just goes down tomorrow," she said.

Monroe police are asking people to avoid the flooded areas.

If you find yourself displaced, the Red Cross is offering help.

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