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Abused dog approaching major milestones after fighting for its life

A dog that was 'nearly dead' after being dropped off at the Lucas County Pit Crew is slowly recovering but has come a long way in a short amount of time.

TOLEDO, Ohio — Nearly a week ago, a dog was fighting for it's life after it was brought to a shelter starving and dehydrated.

In that week, new milestones have happened for Bogey that has everyone around him hopeful.

Those milestones: He's eating, he's has gained weight and is moving around more than ever before.

Nancy Fisher with the Lucas County Pit Crew said, in the beginning they had setbacks with getting him on the road to recovery because of how they received him. 

In the last week, she said he's gained nine pounds and is starting to have more personality.

Bogey still has a lot of recovering to do, but the progress he's made is what the pit crew call 'miraculous'.

"To see him, with that spark in him get brighter everyday is just a miracle. I've never seen a dog that came in lying with no energy whatsoever, that emaciated, and surviving. So it's really wonderful that he's doing so well," said Fisher.

Eventually, Bogey will need surgery for his eye but that will not happen until he weights more and is healthy enough to undergo surgery.

You can find more information and updates on the dog on the Lucas County Pit Crew's Facebook Page.

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