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St. John’s Jesuit holds senior awards ceremony on-campus Sunday

Seniors and their families followed strict social distancing guidelines at the ceremony.

TOLEDO, Ohio — St. John’s Jesuit High School & Academy hosted its traditional senior awards ceremony in the parking lot on Sunday, under the protocols set by the Toledo-Lucas County Health Department.

Approval was granted with the expectation that seniors and their families would adhere to these strict guidelines: 

- One car per senior. 

- Larger vehicles and pickup trucks were to back into their parking spaces in the back row.

- All seniors had masks ready to be worn in case they are called to accept an award. 

There is a longstanding tradition of honoring exceptional seniors with the following awards at St. John's: the salutatorian award, the valedictorian award, the scholar-athlete award, the JSEA award (awarded to one student at each of the 50 Jesuit high schools in the U.S.), the spirit of St. Ignatius of Loyola Award ,the Bishop’s Cross, and the St. John Berchmans award.

“These guys haven’t been together as a class for the last two months. Even though their in cars, they’re really together in this parking lot. A parking lot they’ve been in together since the sixth grade. So I think this is really good for their energy, morale, and excitement," said Phil Skeldon, Administrator of Pastoral ministries and outreach for the school.

The ceremony was transmitted through radio broadcast and seniors parade dthrough the parking lot at the conclusion of the program. 

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