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City puts grass policy into action

The city of Toledo is putting its zero tolerance policy regarding tall grass into action.

Toledo, OH (Toledo News Now) - The city of Toledo is putting its zero tolerance policy regarding tall grass into action.

Toledo property owners have been put on notice to cut the grass, or a city crew will do it for them. The average bill a property owner will get charged runs over $300.

Toledo's municipal code has been changed, to give the city the ability to post a legal notice, and then send crews out to cut grass and weeds on properties where it is taller than 8 inches. The city will then send a bill to the property owner by way of special assessments.

Starting with a $75 fine, the cost for labor and equipment on the average lot is expected to come in at around $285.

City Public Service Director Ed Moore says that charge takes into account more than just the workers cutting the grass:

"There's a whole staff involved with getting that lot cut, you have supervisors, employees out there, office staff processing the fines do all the paper work you have equipment you have to put fuel in the equipment."

The $75 fine is just for the first tall grass offense. Fines for repeat offenses double, to $150, then $300, then $600.

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